What does it do?
From a Traditional Asian Medicine perspective, very simply, acupuncture helps support organ function, and addresses mental, emotional, and physical health to facilitate a restored sense of balance.
All systems in the body are tied together and influence one another. Traditional Asian medicine acupuncture helps to support organ systems and the harmonious relationships between organ systems, through the regulation of key players such Qi, Yin, Yang, and Blood.
When the body’s working as it should, there’s no room for disease or dysfunction!
There’s a substantial body of research with regards to acupuncture. To name a few, anxiety, depression, sleep, PCOS, heartburn (GERD), menopausal concerns, and pain management, have all benefited from acupuncture!(1-6)
The research also shows that stimulating acupoints can facilitate the release of endorphins, and then in turn the stimulation of opioid receptors (those same receptors opioid medications target), resulting in pain relief!(7)
Does it hurt?
Most of the time, patients don’t even feel the needles! It’s funny, having experienced acupuncture for years, I don’t even think of them as “needles” anymore, with respect to the same sense of hurt or discomfort. Yes, they are needles, but the experience is very different from say, receiving a vaccine or giving blood.
Sometimes a dullness, heavy, aching, or even an electrical sensation may be experienced, these sensations indicate “De Qi” has been achieved.
Traditional Asian Medicine’s De Qi signifies that the patient is responding to the points…AKA, it’s doing what it should:) Sometimes, De Qi is only appreciated by the practitioner, other times, the patient can feel it too!
And on occasion, stinging or sharpness may be experienced upon insertion of an acupuncture needle. When this happens, you just let your doc know, and they’ll make accommodations for individual anatomical variation. But don’t worry, no damage or harm has been done. Simply, a quick modification is made:)
Why do I have to come weekly?
You don’t. However, to maintain progress, and to push the needle forward in achieving your health goals, more frequent sessions are often required.
For stress management and Wellness & Preventative Maintenance-Care, those acupuncture treatments are far less often. Some patients schedule those maintenance visits once or twice a month, as a little tune-up.
What can I expect from an acupuncture treatment?
For acupuncture treatments, your Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment plan has already been identified. You simply check in with me, make sure today is indeed still suitable for the treatment, and then we get right to it.
You may be either on your back, or face down on the table for treatment
Music is often playing while I administer the acupuncture, and you simply get to relax.
I may step out, or return for further stimulation of the needles; however, I’m always just a call away:)
1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25003620
2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24761171
3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22981051
4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24073009
5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24595780